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Solace State

Vivid Foundry
Vivid Foundry

Solace State

Optimized for Xbox Series X|S
Developer: Vivid Foundry
Publisher: Vivid Foundry Xbox Store: here Price: $19.99


Play as Chloe, a gifted hacker who is searching for her missing friend Rebecka while a biotech crackdown embroils the city of Abraxa. As the political climate heats up and the corporate-sponsored militia threaten lives in unusually cruel ways, Chloe is faced with leveraging her relationships and friendships to help her navigate unrest, protect the communities she cares about, and heal herself in the process.

Friendship can be formed through all sorts of circumstances, whether it be through tragedy or making impactful change. Get to know this colorful, queer, and fashionable group of characters as you navigate complex societal issues and political intrigue together.

In the midst of escalating tensions, will romance bloom, or will you choose to keep the one you have gotten close to as a friend and confidant? Do you find yourself with the wholesome local boy Torrent, the experienced activist Sueli, or the old flame Alden?

Utilize the power of “social hacking” to understand the social and structural dynamics affecting violent biotech divisions at large and locally. Your choices in how you dive deep into personal relationships, build rapport with storied communities, and exert your moral influence on arbitrary militarization will bring about more or less human rights in the world.

What is activism and responsible, moral truth? Whatever you choose, Choe’s personal challenges intersect with her activism. Her hacking abilities allow her to take on another person’s identification and find encrypted data at the top of someone’s thoughts. With such abilities, what does it mean to exist freely? What does it mean to share your truth responsibly?

In a world where more and more folks are having their plans for their future squeezed out, will Chloe's actions incite violent backlash... or bloom into hope?

Xbox One X 4K Ultra HD
Offline Players: 1
Online Multiplayer: NO

Solace State Achievements